It's #fakeband Name a Day Month; #Typos #AutoCorrect edition
Bold Coyote - Sept 1
Lung.mhes - Sept 2
Heal the steering wheel - Sept 3
Columbarium - Sept 4
Venus Mans - Sept 5
I’ve done it. And soccer shirt - Sept 6
Hinn˜r - Sept 7
Zansupflossmastbroontswaz - Sept 8
Pè - Sept 9
Loetee Skyies - Sept 10
uD83D\uDE09 - Sept 11
ZhuinesdE - Sept 12
Yes sherbet can you - Sept 13
distinct effective - Sept 14
swimplesh - Sept 15
Underratomg - Sept 16
the great male renunciation - Sept 17
co)actually skilled - Sept 18
RS-232-C - Sept 19